In the HAZ of the same day in a country other than here with his most meaningful passages placed on review which reported that two centuries before the Weimar Republic, which emerged in the stringent rules on obtaining the title of doctor, professors like to once again also attacked the pen to write her doctoral dissertation on payment. But even in modern times drives the desire to distinguish himself from his unsuspecting environment through special spiritual benefits, strange flowers. Is there still such, the title "Dr. des" (Doctor designatus), which may be used by the his work on the scientific terrain lined up even before the completion of all tests and prior to receiving the doctoral degree - for example on its letterhead.
According to the editor Sebastian Harp, who drafted the relevant contribution, there are around 60 percent of doctoral students - at an annual total of about 700 of Gabler Verlag, for the publication of doctoral theses in Germany responsible house in a book brought out theses - the permit one to perform the desired track of them before the official award may. The author submits, in more detail. "The publisher is the doctor-in-law this, select a so-called publishing agreement for submission to the Faculty in which the expected release date is announced 'Most deaneries accept this,' says Brich [Staff at Gabler Publisher]. At the Law Faculty of the University of Hannover, or 85 percent of students take advantage of this opportunity. "
to Guttenberg, the Guttenberg (surprisingly bemäkelt the spelling of the computer this case not), states in came "to the ambitious young politician CSU Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg, in 2007 not only important to get a PhD: the content of mostly refereed articles in the introduction. It should go especially fast. Guttenberg has been after the oral examination in February 2007 an application for early use of title, said the Bayreuth Law Professor Diethelm Klippel talking to the "Augsburger Allgemeine '. The request was granted " was granted to him not least - or even mainly - based on a task that presents itself in issue 47 of the HAZ, follow give it a special piquancy.: "Sponsorship is part of university life. In times of tight budgets, sponsors are seen in academia like. But how the teachers behave toward examinees whose family owned a three-quarters of a million have applied for the university? " In addition, note the name The company - Rhön Klinikum AG - and the fact that it was Guttenberg, the Gutter [found fault here, the spelling program around], at the time than the corresponding contract is concluded, was sitting in the board of directors. A rogue who thinks this evil! And then possibly even pronounce. He should make it better, for, as can be seen from the above, the text, then he must expect from the Guttenberg even a carriage return - in the form of a very heavy gun, the action for defamation. It is then prudent to continue to dwell on the now rumored become variant in the view of the whole process, after more than 70 percent of the maximum award Summa cum laude thoughtful scientific expertise have been developed under the auspices of foreign In the above appears, review the following section is first of all read - and even here, human touch. ".... that he was overwhelmed during his seven years of doctoral studies as a young family man. "I was certainly believe so arrogant that I manage to square the circle, 'he says with regard to its then-political, scientific and family ambition" Then especially interesting is the following statement: "withdrawals are also in the leadership of the FDP observed. 'I hope he has his thesis not read this past weekend for the first time, 'snorts a prominent member of the party leadership -.......". And - by labeling highlighted in the text, that which the person who so much powerful-powerful comes along, of course, only can again come to mind: "Guttenberg, the much reviled, his critics threatened even with suits for defamation." Well, if he so much more obsessed: Let him quiet! Hi, your all around Guttenberg Guttenberg at the time but gradually you should register that this mime type can only do as nothing, is nothing - except his blue blood and its by its Origin contingent self-confidence - which could claim to be exemplary. No! It's just a very simple but nasty scam that has been invented by Guttenberg, the Gutter,: As great sounds, spitting the environment by impress sometimes unconventional sounding - and indeed see if you it probably is on the ropes.

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