1068 "The country is facing a Superjahrwal" says the spokesperson in the NDR 1 on the evening of 20.02. Where it appears with the word monster ... .... not that is wrong. Not least because of the courtiers at
IMAGE highly written, there is a figure of light and Superman Performing favorite character of the Germans, too is somehow involved when there in the various provinces to the select goes. After to have this hero of the boulevard initially stole the charges, intellectual property of others, pointed full-bodied on his own has - as is just so common in our Hohltönern example, with the verdict "absurd" - but now - as is also common with all the false noses, running around in this scene - small beigibt and insight and remorse makes in order - as well as re customary - to get through a flight forward his standing in the community supplement after So all this is gone once again on the stage, the good is again following of himself: "I have this work itself written. I stand by it, but I am also available to the nonsense THAT I WROTE THAT. You might want to make using it placed above preface to his work firsthand, What nonsense in the publication in question will have dovetailed it. as containing so common in German countries: a pompous, therefore coming, pithy sayings of the imaging contemporaries will also pay due respect paid to (Hitler says hello beautiful!): Mainly because of this concoction, he was able to open with its doctorate take "Summa cum laude", the highest rating, to take home. In the quiet certainty, then the obsequious posturing of the folks around him to enjoy even more. That he now gives the discerning, to save his skin: only a simpleton would wonder that.
Sorry, too many thousands of German simpleton. Not least because they are also the goutieren what to them by the trash Gazette IMAGE, attached
other scandal sheets such as the SUPERillu or the magazines the yellow press of spiritual food to be usually: at the lowest level are moving to Lowest Automotive appealing and appropriate needs satisfying feeling for or against someone or something making - all perfectly suited to make the election year a decent monster - a very Superjahrwal. You can be sure that these courtiers and grinding chambers with said tabloid will come no matter how much of what it takes has to make the atmosphere for the election to support via the Blogger now would not really come to mind.
has once again gekreißt a mountain, and once again brought forth a mouse. This happened in connection with the increase of the Hartz IV set. As shown above, payable only to the party all tactical considerations, how to present themselves as the best in public, how could thus reach the higher approval ratings. Even though the election year or the Jahrwal comes along great: basically a very cheap ploy. On the back can really only fall for simpleton. And come fall will almost certainly also be. To return once more Guttenberg'sche on the concoction, it is bringing out in the at least for the wax to contemporaries quite well visible connection with the "big politics": Also there was only tricked and tries to maintain a semblance of to bring the absolutely does not correspond to what in reality is there. In this respect, the who are now regarded because of his PhD thesis a proper shindig organize to-do minister as an ideal candidate for the post. Not least because he has indeed our very hochmögende Chancellor also pledged their support in the following. So we look forward to an election year in which It really is nice to go diagonally. And we do not harpoon the Superjahrwal, because that is really worth protecting! And we face together in cheerful little groups, the small talk caring and brilliant at what we have deserved, and still more deserving politicians brought so all access roads for us and bring probably still be access roads. General PS: Values / r inclined / r readers in: If you predict the form and content of the item whose transfer or equal to the blog via a link to your friend should *** - acquaintances and nothing in the way. In the event that you are have the addresses semiofficial bodies: when passing the material also to the quiet. This may be the / one or other of those employed to his senses and not join in on the this country further and further organized madness driving. So that the politicians kept, only the self-interest committed falsification of reality because it once to an end and democracy gets a chance to be more than before - only a useful fiction " . *** As a link is to take place, as shown in post 999, and under PS2.
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