when France falls during a discussion in the name TROIS GROS, illuminate the eyes of those present. the renowned house on the edge of the N7 (red National 7) years since a positive bonus, the dreams of many a chef. earned three Michelin stars (if you want to think in those categories) have over the years in the restaurant and the well established family business generated from generation to generation new idols in the herd.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Old Ladys With Girdles
when France falls during a discussion in the name TROIS GROS, illuminate the eyes of those present. the renowned house on the edge of the N7 (red National 7) years since a positive bonus, the dreams of many a chef. earned three Michelin stars (if you want to think in those categories) have over the years in the restaurant and the well established family business generated from generation to generation new idols in the herd.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
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would actually already last week once again, an interim report was due. But as for traveling so ... First, it is different, and secondly think as one. Although now are almost all campsites (at least those we have visited) equipped with Wi-Fi - a concession to the indispensability of digital communications, as once the postal stations in the desert - but we forget all too easily that it needs processing before one the experience into words and then also can feed into a network.
So I'm a bit out of me, then the world moved back to sameness to work its magic on me. And what is this, this world ...! Since there are oceans and mountains, woods and stones, roads and cities and people in between ... But let's start in the middle of the beginning: After our break
in French in Le Mas Bleu AdrecheTal (www.lemasbleu.com) with little pool chairs (three guesses - it was still raining in torrents), much market visit (cheese, cheese, herbs and wonderful Indian purses, scarves and clothes!) and occasionally swimming in the Beaume (yes, sometimes it rained then not) we left this past Sunday. Actually appeared the immensely patente farmer of the "Chataingne" (all campsites in the Ardeche are named for the chestnut, sometimes "on" times "in" and occasionally even "on") at the agreed time again, and dragged our caravan with his mini tractor again. Also, the attach worked problems, so that we meet again at 11:30 clock on the road were, this time with the aim of "Mediterranean". What seemed like a short hop was soon to be a wild fight against the forces of nature: tortured Wolfgang, the unexpected idleness the break week, they called in (yes, yes, the pause will be dependent learned!): La Mistral! "The west wind is blowing" - he struck up a time to stay around the other based on "Chocolat" where the Windin drives people together with his wife and child Ahninnenasche before them, unable to gain a foothold and, driven from place to place!
Yes, yes, one containing Solte always pay attention to their own speech, especially if you call Sun unwisely sizes that far exceed your horizons rich. Called - arrived. Sun blew so our departure time for a wind with an hourly rate of lush 400 km - which reduced our cruising speed of 80 grand to 30 mph. Not to mention the travel experience! The inevitable fluctuation, even in bright weather and jumping now increased to a wild, wild West like Herumgeschleudere horn sheep riding, defeatable without nausea but it manageable despite low temperatures only achselnässendem physical. We needed easy 9 hours, to come to the Mediterranean, we - as the Windin ago blew from the interior - mirror welcomed, but with sandstechendem dunes biting. Quick was the first kilo of mussels in spite of my objection, the tow bar was also without Kalkmassde already loaded up to the breaking point, collected, and "home" dragged. Well, what does one do against the elemental dispositions: hunters and gatherers.
spent Despite unrelenting wind speed, we are a quiet night in the calm slowly my dreams. Former neighbors I visited, from masks to reveal to many what lies behind. Washing said, my friend Ana.
around us again campers of all nations - no, not you, essentially monstrous Dutch women in mobile homes. I never would have thought that all the luxury villas on wheels There, futuristic creations, for which one requires certain vehicles with trailer hitches on the roof to move it from the spot. Well, all his toys ... or?
Although actually a sea people that would be used to winch fled the next morning all the neighbors of the coast. Exodus from his guests a little overwhelmed by the German campsite owner said this migration with a laconic comment: Well, this year the wind is probably a bit bad. But he blows in every direction. Law has (had) it.
We decided - also because of the wind - no longer at sea and in particular to go "through the" sea: Along the southern Coast road runs right through the dike on a kind of water! - But inland to evade the direction of Toulouse. The Pyrenees were before us and in us the hope of "obenrum" to drive around a little. But what is "obenrum. And anyway, I had not written during the trip through the Massif Central, flows in the middle of the Ardeche, how well do me the stones? How they fill me with strength and power, courage and stability? Exactly. Be aware of your wishes!
As we with our maximum cruise speed already in the enjoyment of the vicious generosity of many-Peesser had come, so we decided to drive road. And overlooked the deliberately, the what appears on the card as a gentle wiggling in fact a exorbitant could mean on-and low! Voila, les pyrenees!
We drove ... and drove and drove and drove. In hindsight (yes I know now what lay ahead of us ...), only a small prelude to the steady rise and fall of the so-called promontory. By wonderful landscape of the clearest air, woods, as far as the eye, picturesque river valleys and sleepy French villages. And at every crossroads a Madonna, which here mean by "Fatima - Lourdes we approached.
The day moved then, the road became steeper and steeper, we always slower - And the campsites are sparse. What would have chased a few days ago panic hormones through the blood slipped my mind now only perifer horizon: This trip is gefüht, which I was now safe. If it were done we would find the right place already. And we should overtake broken axle, tires crack and brain death - well, we were in the land of the Goddess and the ingenious hobbyists who knew nothing that could not be repaired again. So what we should - happen really - honestly? Somehow, my supply seemed to fears and anxieties, to plastic and fantastic painted disaster scenarios used up slowly and met a nice fatality me. In addition to thoughts of left shoes, the strength of clouds ineffable scenarios and the viewing of lemon-yellow butterflies in iron ore gray ... how is it that are on rural roads always left shoes? Milestones henceforth footed traveler who had excess Balastik rid ...? And why blue is actually the color of longing?
We found the room for the night, as I said, in the way: A quiet place, surrounded by woods on a haunted mountain, totally overgrown with ferns and creepers, which had their beards hanging into the water. The stones sang in gurgling sounds, and her green and yellow lit as if by an inner light. Without question - we had arrived in the land of magic - so we had to leave for ever.
woke in the night me, the screams of an animal that I have never heard (as I would ever say, being able to have heard a lot of animal Timing!) - A loud shriek, as it give the Wild Parrots of itself, but we were unique to such sounds still too far north. I sat up late, listening to this extraordinary acoustics, and answered by the cry of an owl and other nocturnal animal noises. What is there to hear everything in the world!
In the morning we heard from the small of my French language skills almost euphoric campsite owner, that there even wolves are still wild. And sometimes a bear is sighted again. A happy country, very empty (as measured by human standards) and wonderfully wild on a very gentle way Perhaps the most beautiful place that has given us this trip. And obviously the place we should find, for immediately after our early start not so "took" us the straight road that would take us to the Basque country and the last tip of the Brittany coast.
The Basque Country! Legendary place full of partisans, wild, black-and-bearded guys with Barrett and machete. Land of the women, dark skinned and full of wildlife and determination of the French and English to provide rule of the forehead! So - or something like that - at least that was the image I had in me, fed by reports of any type on this virtual remote place on the European map.
was probably in these fantasies that I thought at first that we have lost our way: Suddenly, transformed the pothole-ridden and barely French road repaired under our wheels in a carefully paved, with proper markings provided "Avenida", lined with nail scissors trimmed, bright green lawn in front of houses, all to sound like freshly imported from Switzerland. No, this gently rolling, lush green land of picturesque cottages in white with red shutters and neatly gemalerten carved balconies, one more accurate than the other - could not it be the infamous Basque country? Where the flaking paint indescribable green and blue were left where the houses made up of thousands of broken stones, found on the road side of mountains? Where are the garages with battered, already antique-style 2-CV in a rainbow of colors before - and a mountain in the scrap yard, which was certainly use again! Where the "Tabac" who lined the roadside everywhere, men and women in trousers worn with Hutgebilden of straw and wool, the futuristic in every major city would have worked?
It was tidier than in any small Swabian town - no question, the Basque Country is not a scrap of French! Freedom for the Basque Country!
No wonder then, that confronted us, the first campsite, we drove off here with its English owner, who advised us with a sour look at our mobile aged with dignity, "la poubelle", the trash (you hear this word at: puh-bel-nice Ugh!) and to separate properly and yes with our wheels not to "touchieren" sorgsamm trimmed the lawn. Touchieren? How in the world, one would maneuver through a 12m frame into tiny parcels subdivided land without touching the lawn? After we had practiced a three-quarter hour in constant back and forth and I had reached the limits of my thanks to 9-hour drive badly frayed nerves, we left the place empty-handed. Do not leave without, however, address and passport number to have: In the event that the lawn had been damaged but still.
What seemed at first like a blow of fate appear but it turned into a stroke of luck: We took our last reserves to the sea and found a wonderful, right behind a dike situated campsite where we even were allowed to drive on the lawn. Name? Passport? ID? Without batting an eyelash, presented me the friendly owner of the smart card of the place, free access to all places and sites, Internet, and toilet flushing machine lavoir included. We would not have run away, he said with - this time knowing smile - look at our Elsa. And if it does, the damage was so limited. Where we do not even electricity would take to complete.
If one brings so much good will, that's worth a break. We spent two days at sea, my companions gathered (may have against the other 25, I put myself successfully defended!) One more kilo shells and stones and I was once again a bit more to his senses. And stated: travel, especially the many ever-changing Impressions, the very beautiful around zipper. Our brain, trimmed for millions of perception and orientation is clearly to its limits, if the conditions are constantly changing. In any case, with such a check copy, as I am.
I was tired and slept, read, in the shade on my entrained Divan lying, ate melon, that actually lived up to its name and honor of sitting at the ocean. Slowly, I could feel physically, and he leaked the seen-driving through my cell and came to the neocortex. Aha, here I was - I?
In retrospect we would have to probably stay another three days and nights - at least if we knew did what lay ahead. Spain. Actually, yes even a word - or a job - admittedly a relatively large, measured on the European left - on the map. But I already knew that being here was something very different for us.
Ute Schiran once said: We must include the entire landscape. As we were driving through Spain, I understood what she meant. And how difficult it can be. had changed after the bewitching beauty of France are a country that has centuries of exploitation at its expected nature into a wasteland agragindustrielle. Miles of fields lined up in an endless space together. Color? Grey Beige Brown. For water, it seems well to give only occasionally.
What would explain why the English camp, although located next to the highway-like street - the most expensive of the whole trip was: There was a pool, a keen eye and guarded by a Poolwärterin with antiseptic shower provided as the only access, through a motion was backed up: No sooner does one approach the holy water to 500 feet, poured a gush of fetid broth. Okay, that certainly had not survived the bud. Would I survive it, would show that another day. But at least I was able to escape the heat stroke, because although the sky - was shrouded in a thick, continuous cloud cover - again It was humid in the tropics. But without green.
We slept next to a British
with futuristic United Mobile, where he screwed around until late into the night and the very early morning: wheels, which made a completely intact actually still feel screwed and spare wheels on it screwed. But something seemed that not even in order, that is all down again and changed the procedure around Mikado. As we already completing bets, whether there is the related Nissan roadster's turn equal to that seen 80 year old owner started with the removal of wheel carrier and other bodies. With anything you have to fill his time so appropriate. It
seemed that would lead us on this trip all the people we are all national-colored prejudices encountered in mind that such a building up in the course of a lifetime in a multi-nation community: Big Dutchman with hot spots on the rosy-burned skin, glutäugige French-Algerian, expire at the simple sight of a blond woman in hysterical Balzgluckern, their rubbish in the countryside schmeissende Spaniards and easily irritated German, which the world is actually a size too big. Where does it come this gene-geography, which forces to conduct an assimilated - and weighs in faith, to be natural veeery different from the rest of one's own state-defined cross-clan ... I would be so interested before, what did the people go so well thought of us ...
We thought then only one thing: Just get out of this endless, dreary Spain! But as is so with the things you undbedingt and equal, and now wants to get behind: drag into infinity. In fields fields followed - and again fields, only occasionally interrupted by satellite towns, the East German city planners did not attempt it better: high-rise towering over high-rise, and even in the midst of the few rural idyll was found also determines another one. In most cases empty. Perhaps the air in the 27th Stock no longer quite so stuffy ....? As we
(! Well, but at least Castille) were already trying to Spain to write in full from us surprised the country and brought us our prejudices in mind: to cast a sudden, the ground up, shaped structure of stone and sand, folded himself then flowed into canyons and rivers of pure water, as I have never seen before. We had landed in the park, a vast field full of stone giants, as gently undulating and rounded as they were surrounded by water millions of years.
We came out for a surprise too - the place should not so fast. The Sierra du Douro goes to Portugal and far up into the country - and their first delicate folds and stone monuments were just a taste of the mountains, we drove into the geographically clueless now. We wanted to shorten the path, instead of the planned along the coast through the middle of Castilian country to "cut" the tip of the Iberian coast. We forgot that ends for the Central Europeans, Terra Cognita in Spain. Well, there's still Portugal ...
over a tiny bridge over a valley of incredible - of course marred by a hydroelectric power plant along with Umspannbau had to make way for the entire villages - we Ingenieur in Portugal, the coarse objective of our trip. And slept on the cheapest campsite of our trip. But here, as if everything fell inversely proportional Although the price, but increased organizational performance: Were we in France and even in Spain, occasionally even asked for our name needed, Portuguese guard all the passes in addition to driving license, approval letter for cars and caravans and green card.
Whether he feared, or the administration portugisiesche well, we would dismantle the ancient bath house and take? Little more was to be found, and the pine trees did not look as if they were to uproot times just to mention the fact that transport is 20 meters long growths on a 12m vehicle extremely bad. But maybe they had so concerned about the proper layered, beautifully glittering walls ... It is said that there States, as the prison is on the export of stones ...
Whatever it is or was, we were recognized in all registers of the management and catalog - but only on a decrepit tracing paper, which then disappeared in a drawer of a much older prehistoric desk. A veritable treasure trove probably interested in anthropological archaeologists, at some point ... today probably Entgeld legitimacy for the employed student assistants who otherwise their time more productively with the reading of Dan Brown or the pursuit of the Portugal-Brazil football match spent. What is there to do even on a place around where people live on?
I can not say that this philosophy I am averse, even if it amuses me. They probably just use any requirement of the European Parliament, this outgrowth of bureaucratic hyperinflation like after eating too much dessert, because the rural Campismo was certainly promoted for some pots. Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's ... and it was only on paper. You have to keep the level of mere paper tiger at bay.
Actually we wanted to yes then the place still look a bit ... But now we can not get more, Berta to decouple from Elsa. Probably, this tour has welded them together for ever ... But what else are taxis? Somehow, but an interesting mix - live in caravans and from time to time in grand style ... With a deluxe edition of our Berta we were driven into town, bought, decorated with tiny felt applications purses, hand-made from a beautiful and squinting young artisan, and examine at least 200 towels, colorful display on the tourist hiking mile. The Portuguese seem to maintain a Wäscheobsession that anywhere I have ever seen such a variety of table and bed linen, towels in every size and shape along with blankets and mats, throws and Cushion as here. The almost overwhelming wealth of took us in such demand that we missed the departure of the last taxis and take the 2.5 mile hike around the town on foot we had - loaded with water and fruit, purses and cheese, tomato and new FlippFlopps. No wonder we slept like stones.
Overnight we were kept safely under lock and key, who opened up in the morning. Somehow we had verpeilt that in Portugal is one hour earlier, so we wonder still about the late arrival diemal the nurse who was actually born in Germany. Perhaps it was this fact which caused her to us to recommend an entirely besonbdere route ...
We will probably never know why they sent us to the mountains. Maybe one of these nationally determined prejudices, in which all Noreuropäer are mountain people ... Or they thought that the appeal of a Mercedes is always grown no obstacle - which would explain why in Portugal of these cars is teeming. Although ... probably there are just no other car that these mountains would have grown really ...
I do not even know what this mountain is actually what my geographical Unkentnisse in particular, speaks above all on European Integration effect. If I had been afraid of the Pyrenees, the mountains taught me this really the fear. In scorching heat, Berta tormented with Elsa in the Annex a mountain after another up - and down again with smoky brakes. Fortunately, there were signs everywhere slow and braking ramps - which showed us that these mountains not only brought us kanpp to the limit. The beauty of the landscape was completely under the stress, it would perhaps be the next mountain that Berta would give the rest ... Every moment I thought the engine to see us fly around the ears, in every mountain I was hoping this might be the last - until after the next, the Serpentine Shilouette the other mountain ranges and appeared on her uphill and downhill winding is silver ribbon of the road shimmering in the midday heat ...
How exhaustive was this ride shows that we dare not break, but once we stopped briefly to interject a sandwich and fill up - as if the rush of hope type food ...
But as for that is - everything must come to an end, even this great, terrifying landscape in which man would be better never set foot. Even the most ambitious building projects, cobweb-looking bridges act through incredible valleys here, such as toys, that a gruff again bucking the ridge can destroy. On foot, it was perhaps just as an ant and I just barely elicits even a tired wink. But an ant trail ...?!
Well, we did it. I was just sitting on Portugal's coast, the weather is bad again, it is drizzling and everything is shrouded with mist avalon between proportions. This time it took a while before we found a suitable place for the holiday tourism brings us slowly, the seats are loveless and unkempt, what just happened so if the man appears in masses.
Here we are right in the middle of dunes, tall pines and pines provide shade and we wear identification tags. Everything can be just generally increase it. But the Galau (Coffee with milk) is good, internet is free and even works and Alina has finally found a couple of kids to play. Yesterday she had her first day of mourning, probably caused as much by hanging out with us obnoxious adults. This is for kids just a harsh roar.
Maybe it's also because we are approaching our goal. Only about 600 km are separated from Tamera - and the certainty that we are not on vacation, but are arrived at our new home. Maybe that makes conscious that this step for now does not return. But who knows what comes, what's behind the next bend, the next hill side of the road border is?
We have seen and experienced and have come far. 3500 km, we drove a few detours and a lot of corners. Much we have seen what I can describe only a fraction. As the three are missing at the old road, the difference between the supermarkets, the storks nesting on the highway, and much more. Material for stories and 1000 and one night ...
Now we're a bit held before it goes to the last stage. And I'm going to the sea. And hope that this trip of the mountains - Vosges, Massif Central, Pyrenees, Cordillera, Sierra xxx, Altro du Douro ... - No more hurdles for us holds. But what does one have to adjust the movements of the earth. Exactly. Niente. The only solution: going along.
In this sense: Greetings to all, at home and at home, your Astrid
Friday, June 25, 2010
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for those who love the energy of this volcanic islands. stones for those clouds, sea, the wind, the black, the empty, the beaches, the sand and the like simplicity. voila, enjoy!
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Thursday, June 24, 2010
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times to the lost World Cup, the French are landed on the floor of the daily facts. make the "café de commerce" (at the counter and talk about things heumlungern of which you understand nothing) is a common sport that has in these days many trailers. Meanwhile, one of the digestion of the South African has not yet completed spectacle and his displeasure with the reduced pension, or expresses longer working on the streets, reflecting on rugby.
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are 28 years of the musicians of the quintet Nockalm already on stage - more than 28 years of accumulated and lessons learned in the live area.
Those Nockis' - as they are called by their fans - have earned the hearts of the audience. Step by step they ascended the ladder of success, have mastered all levels of the musician's life brilliantly, and are now a stable size when it comes to the friends of the romantic Spellstrike to an unforgettable concert experience on CD and stage. The secret of success - if there is such a - is quickly brought to a point: The audience at a concert Nockalm found with their thoughts almost completely returned to the library.
It seems as if these people write from the soul. It's mostly about love, with all its uncertainties, it is about life, friendship or just moments of happiness or passion. A Nockalm show is therefore more than a concert. It is the live soundtrack of the lives of listeners. The singer Gottfried Würcher rose 28 years ago in the band to temporarily act as a singer. This "temporary" one of the most remarkable success stories has been in the music business. We can not and there as the personal wonder of Nockalm called Quintet. Speaking of wonder: is dedicated After nearly 28 years of success, the quintet Nockalm this very fascinating subject - but not the mystic-tinged sense. Its reputation as "the romantic song" justice to approach the 7 musicians the topic directly related to the well most wonderful feeling in the world - love.
was the end, so the album title, "My miracle of love." To present the wonders of love in all its facets, was the musical The aim of the seven-member band. "If something in life unpredictable positive happens, we speak of people wonder that I find very beautiful. It is a happy and everyone just overwhelming. "Gottfried Würcher reflects on his personal assessment of the importance of a miracle. If one views from the album title, the latest production has nothing to do with a miracle. For the group delivers a quality that is neither unexpected nor surprising. On the contrary, the result of the album is once again expected to be impressive.
With catchy hooks and melodies, the band presents hit songs à la Nockis at its best. Songs that go directly into your ear and you want to hear over and over again in an endless loop. Eight titles were written by frontman Gottfried Würcher. If you listen to the entire work, one may be his opinion, have with "My Miracle of Love" the best "Nockis album 'produced together with his colleagues to agree. The same single candidate "My Miracle of Love", one should consider the content in detail. The seven wonders of the world have at least their official world-wide authority. Only seven? No, it is one of the truly great wonders to the list would probably continue indefinitely. And as the saying goes - Whether an event or a thing wondrous traits, in principle, is of the opinion left of the beholder - and so is the personal miracles in this song of love between two people who brings the earth to quake and the "miracle status" of the Colossus of Rhodes to a significant decrease. Poetically it goes with the song "I swear to you" more. A homage to the unconditional love. True feelings are here packaged in a premium package with acoustic guitar: "Your love is as deep as an ocean infinite. Makes life so natural and honest. As honestly as you "
Another special highlight is the title of "Gloria" dar. A duet with none other than Umberto Tozzi Umberto Tozzi itself delivered in 1979 with the song from a worldwide hit. So it was to give the quintet Nockalm a special honor, the song together with the Italian champions a new fresh note. Coincidence - or fate but a miracle? This is the theme of the song "Green Light". With elegant wordplay, the song describes how a magic in the air using the slogan "Love is in the Air" in a very unexpected way two people out to one another. That not all love stories will end with a happy ending, the audience in the title of "Three is one too many" told. Here, a woman (too) long not decide between two men. In the end they lose one, probably the wrong person. With its open end, the song is surely going to one or the other for thought. But songs with a tragic end should be the exception to "My Miracle of Love", and so the great love the clear winner from the album. One can believe in miracles or not.
One thing is certain in any case: With My Miracle of Love "delivers the wonderful quintet Nockalm a brand new album, which will exceed the expectations of fans and music critics for sure. And the hard Nockalm of 17 to 19 September 2010 in Millstatt / Carinthia, together with the guys many fans from near and far to celebrate. Photo: Universal
Photo: Universal
Monday, June 21, 2010
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is what a fresh fish? to this question, there are so many restaurants do not answer, at least not on the plate. so the poor creature does not die a second, miserable death in the pot should be, the scale-held fresher than fresh. this is of course difficult to see at the distance that must be traveled to the remote location also on the world to serve a fish, from which you have never heard and you do not even cook.
Friday, June 18, 2010
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trips - that's leaving, in order to get there to go further. Beyond the horizon of their own and territory, more widely than their own ideas of how, and farther than the limits adopted and imaginary - to find new ones that call again "continue" and force it to pause: Not every border and wants to really be exceeded.
to meet these very subtle difference "beyond" but not to perceive, these are the breaks there. And make the we just and extensively in the middle of one of the most beautiful scenery in Europe, the Ardeche, with my friend Ana. And when the sky would still cooperate with the concerns of the exposed progression, it's raining - still and always - in torrents. So we stay "home", enjoy the break from wandering around and living in a plastic cube: Solid, hundreds - oh, what I say - many millions of years old stone surrounds us, raises once again the comforting feeling of a stabilden housing and penetrates us can with the urlangsamen vibrations that only the stone, the oldest inhabitant of this planet radiate (resident?). Give me strength at a time when everything in motion set.
But this peace has its price: At night I'm down from a nightmare after another, all my known and unknown fears and concerns of flooding the unconscious dream-wake surface will be seen and ... well, what can be understood? Classified? Swept?
I lose Alina in the forest and not even realize it. When I then "coming to consciousness" there is only this familiar feeling: the moment when I had the fate can turn is over. And the longing that I should turn the clock back to, behind and beyond this "event horizon", because I have just missed. But this is beyond my "power".
As houses and apartments attack on me, where I lived, people and stories I've lived through reading, I slip into the roles of knights inside and adventurers, fight the given constantly changing enemy, and I am at the end to create a new of them. The borders are soft and puffy, which separate the "good" from "evil" that provide guidance in a safe area, which are so familiar and yet so strange.
Since it snows in July from a deep black sky as I drive with friends in the past. And I fear pursued before a nameless threat that reveals itself slowly and inevitably is ...
Well, I can already hear the voices, including my own, better-know-it, since the concreting: Well, if a trip does, then it has to do. So, as it was, of course, that would gain in the disappearance of the familiar, the maligned primal fears of the public, vulnerability and threat everywhere a located the upper hand. As if life is a question of balance of influence and delivery. Of argument of the inner chain dog namn Versicherrungsvertreter.
clear, but yet, I have chosen for a - temporary - not back. (As one would ever go back!) And yes, I've decided for a temporary On-delivery (even the word rejoice in its ambiguity!) And yes, I'm afraid.
I trained for 45 years, inner-pig has become accustomed to the limits of Suhl, in which it is the daily food ration, the waste of the table of people waiting. Is it really proper care - right? Yesterday it rained
then finally no longer the "wild weather" (Marie-Luise) probably put a pause times. So I sat for half the day at the Beaume, even one of these rivers here are still a real, over millions of years in the rock bed of the river have dug, surrounded by stone guardians in the green dress of mimosa, pine and oak trees. I sailed on the cranes, hawks and swift, my daughter was sitting in the water and laid softly singing mosaics made of colored stones, Wolfgang spoke to the mountains - and I listened to the whisper of water, slipped on rocks and roared: The "Soft", which with the is "hard" linked in an endless dance along the borders. In the flow of the Stony carry with them liquefy through with light and air udn elsewhere again bear shores, massive new building, caving, fortschwemmend, wash up ...
Where is the border, where everything is in motion? Where does one thing and where can safely say the other measure to be here at home? Not the touted everywhere "Unity" is about me here, which I do not think anyway, because it is a concept that yet again the other, the unconditional need ... no, it's feeling the importance of exercise, but I still can not put into words ...
No, it is still in me did not. My cells are bursting with energy, drive on lawn, further forward. This is probably "come over the hill" to the. Exhausting is, but also very stimulating, especially since I (still) have no idea what waits behind the well-dome on us. Here in the land of mountains and valleys, it is this little moment just before you push up on the hill, as you think, now falls I do. Only to feel: Behind HERE seeing a rapid down the mountain, but the gravity keeps you on the ground.
It is the force of attraction which is born of the movement. Rivers, clouds, weather, blood, feather flying skills, breathing. Get out, inside. Abschilfern and equipment. In the travel and rest in between I take this movement on again and will shaken like a fallen into the water bubble. Take a bath. Come to my senses. And try to feel the ground.
tomorrow it goes - if we ever get the trailer again. But yesterday we had to do with how a soft asphalt in the local mountain roads frozen heavy vehicles using was a few boards, a lot of laughter and tireless back and forth again made fledged. The holes in the road were filled with a few pebbles from the edge of the torn asphalt, soft as butter in the midday sun, firmly trampled with a few vigorous kicks. Why fix what the next vice flies apart again? Resignation? Probably viability. And the realization: Against the forces of movement you can not grow anyway. It's just a matter of time before the river has carved into the stone bed.
Our next destination is the sea. It will be with us for a while before we go back to the mountains, then in the Pyrenees. As I said, and Steinhart Soft water. With breaks.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
How To Make Fake Marijuana Out Of Oregano
Alors - it's done! On Thursday, 10 June 2010 at 11:30 clock we left laden with bags and baggage and all that we thus consider indispensable in the life of our farm ... and only once came just 13 km far: A tire of our old lady Elsa Knaus, called "La Mustang" was flat and they rocked like a cutter at Beaufort 25th But what a lucky enough for friendly tank guards did the same attention (not without a furtive grin whether our old strong companion) and the tire repair first 5 km were behind us. So return!
how I got the pleasure (some by now!) The very first time to manage our 12 m double vehicle backwards (!) in one exit. I can tell you: Best menopausal hot waves are nothing against the Anwallungen, which has given me this challenge! But I did it, after I had to understand first: With such a vehicle is everything the other way around! I did not want to get out of the rut?
The mechanics were the first people we met on this trip and they were so friendly and helpful, that we are recordings as a good omen for this trip. For 13.25 euros, they no longer repariereten our flat tire along with Aufbockkurbel that had already jumped right at the start of the version (I say yes, everything Omen!) And sent us back with good wishes by 13 clock on the runway.
erts The day brought us to just French across the border: 250 km at top speed 80 km / h. Each pitch verrringerte our travel speed to 40 km / h, so we were in the enjoyment of extraordinary honking horns and solar chimney vibrating truck overtaking. And as I said, I drove the first stage, certainly as I got to the 14 liters of water - but spiced up with 200 ml of adrenaline per cubic milliliter. Because each time threatening Elsa hesitated, when once again such a king of the road swept past us, we decided to summarily for the Federal and highway. As 80 km / h. Although still not the world, but it really adds to it a lot more relaxed. And Bertha Benz, the course must eventually pull all thanked us with zuckelndem comfortable pace.
I was able to find that it is essential mesnchengemäßer to travel so slowly. Not only that, a landscape and its changes around you Vierl to exercise better, it is also easier to come internally to external changes behind her. A key finding for me, which I'm accustomed to doing things in the supersonic speed - and to bring particularly behind me.
Nyon we found a nice campsite ago - and spent our first night in the trailer. Thanks to bad weather and constant rain is a real acoustic experience: Like thousands of little rodent feet of continuous rain pelted down on us - I'm not sure if it was the acoustic fatigue and the hardships the first day after all that made me fall into a fitful and fantastic enough sleep ...
But the next morning shone the world into pure light, the sun was shining and I drank my first, self-fabricated Latte Macchiato from the trailer stove, goddess-sei-you did not explode (and the gas bottle is probably from the late 70s!). And for the first time came over me really as a tiny-little feeling of freedom, a "last-managed" and a: actually i could go on and on and watch the world to me. It is strange if you have your whole life in a caravan behind you leeches ago - and it really just is no place where you could go back. But to me in the last few days at home, were a little appeared threatening - in the moment when the ultimate first step is done, changed this "home from home" feeling immediately. It goes on trips - and sets itself as, where is a straight line.
The second day was thankfully a little less spectacular - no reverse, for a shady resting place on the lake with a midday bath, a small coffee shop in town and a witty waiter Wolfgang of the coveted Esspressotasse out the door after throwing. Background: Wolfgang wanted to buy this coffee mug, but gave up my demand to understand the waiter, he was no longer enough, because he always "dropped". So he left the cup just once "out the door" - and Wolfgang she was given. A truly original solution to a complicated problem!
No sooner had I taken over the steering wheel again (Wolfgang was the day rgefahren practice and thus had his Tauffahrt behind him ...) and just after we had decided it was now down enough, the French were again close streets and above all - steep! A Eegweiser led us to a campsite along a forest path into the mountains - and three times you are allowed to guess what was happening at once with my perspiration. Above all, far and wide, no place to run a 12m-vehicle (all in all) to turn. So - and here again was the profound knowledge in one room across - if there is no going back, you have to go further. No sooner said than done. And it became steeper and steeper. But when I thought: Well, that's it, now we are stuck to Berta presented again to the wheel and pulled us, and Elsa on the hilltop - and into it, or better up to a beautiful place with Mongolian yurts (unfortunately all rented), forest and air, as clean as ... well, can be flat clean.
We slept that night - again accompanied by heavy rain - as the stones. I was dreaming dreams and stone had ever felt that the solid rock beneath me somehow brought me back and annexing to the ground. Here I could have left days.
But the forward thrust has not fallen off of us, that will probably take a bit longer. The transmission, which has brought me through the last few months still needs time to run out, so we went back on the road that are now finally and above all, just straight ahead of us. Berta was on top form and placed 100 km / h to a position that would have probably taken us from sea, The French were not so enamored of roundabout. Purely centrifugal, rotary drive out, 200 m, again spinning. Min and the 6m with a turning radius and an acceleration from 0 to 20 km / h in 30th ... Well, it's all about slowing down ...
And this time I could understand - or rather - he-go - what it means to have a goal. We had the previous day always in good contact with our physical condition and the information of the inner voice decided when it was enough - so suddenly inflamed the ambition. Ah, "only" 77 km, we create - and to forget that we already had driven 250 km, Berta was glowing and I was really ready for a latte and my diary. But the Mesnch is very forgetful, so we drove on - right into the next cosmic lesson that was there: Why do only a street sign when you can have three. That, however, precisely that hianuf third again of the mountains and usher in an unmarked Pampa would - who cares! But all roads lead to Rome again.
But no, it does not, but into the midst of a Saturday late afternoon, is anything but sleepy little French village nest with a traffic that actually recalled to Rome. Only stupid that I plöztzlich, in the village überfraute the knowledge that we had moved hopelessly. And that einstetzte fatal mechanism that all many years motorists know: Before I knew it MCIH, I had been turned left to turn around. On a road that was almost 20 m wide. Luxuriously under normal Umstaänden - fatal with 12 m total length. Ergo: We were stuck. What led naturally irritated Schreier estates and mutual recriminations. However, it seems, this trip was devised to me to learn to reverse the other way around. Wolfgang stopped the traffic that actually stood still - and I spent a minute in filigree work and within a 30th in fact our car and all the attachments. For anything more must the years of threading of filaments in close-knit needles have been a good thing.
But the adventure was not yet over. Although we reached our destination on the Ardeche - but it was still exploring that same camping is not camping: Währrend the UDN with a 500m turning loops half highways come up through the ground, the other training courses for Feinfädler. Yes, you read correctly. And what hit it well again? Bingo!
But this time I also failed. And although in our caravan neighbor who was absolutely the view that the twice converted caravan must once again be turned over to the door on the right (!) Side was. In a frantic French, marked by heartfelt Couleur authority he told me, once again the very clear grounds to walk around to coming from the other side the right (!) to choose side. Well, there it was again, early childhood imprinting, acquired through years of chalk and talk, if only one with enough vehemence to the "right" insists, then all follow like sheep. In this case, I too - only to immediately and directly to hang between two trees resistant. As was nothing more - and I do not know if I would have been here my sewing really helpful. But fortunately there are French patents that cry but usually all by themselves - "Forward!", "No, back!", "How backward Art thou blind, you begotten? ! HAAAAAlt "worm a rotten apple, if it goes backwards then ...";," Oh no, now she is stuck, you see, would they still back ... "and so on and so forth - that is, is just about audible on rivets, into madness driving instructions, but in a worst case, have a neighbor with a tractor, which then abruptly Elsa moved to the mountain on which it is now. If I ever go back down there but they get ... Well, there are betsimmt another neighbor.
I for one am sitting now with my friend Ana at the pool, enjoying power and especially the fridge (melted yogurt is really just for gourmet inside!) and the incomparable Feeling went off, seen it all and above all to have learned a lot. Now is the first to come back down a bit. Become slower in thought and feeling above all. So I am where I am.
And the helpful spirit guide can take us further. It's all a question of non-interference. But also just wants to be learned. Venceremos!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Inurl:live View - Axis
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I-catcher Console - Web-monitor
Monday, June 7, 2010
Antenna Shop Bay Area

are the material from which the dream! thousands of crocus flowers are small threads to bind to identify this small bunch (from Iran). used it is diverse but recommended only in small quantities. the consumption of 20g can be fatal. I have a good memory in saffron, but also risotto or fish soup. caution when buying from apparently cheaper goods. for centuries it was the people realize that is valuable saffron is just fake and so happy. Quality first is quite expensive but outrageously good. professionals do not advise as saffron powder To buy, where the forgery is easy. also one should not buy ahead. he risks drying out and losing its flavor