not only tgv and Airbus parts. with the terroir, take it seriously ...
photography: copyright joerg lehmann
odette has a few chickens. somewhere in western France, where since its pours into the Atlantic, they scratch, free as the thoughts around on Norman soil. must also odette be regulated under the European order, and its own eggs to give an indication of origin. faster said than done. why buy one for her 14 chickens die maker, but if it goes hand in writing. the pencil is sharpened quickly and are already before the break of day, provided the eggs regulate brüsselner with. Flexibility is the magic word in the land of Voltaire, against the rules and their strict execution. et c'est bon comme meme!
as easy to see, stands on land above an F. eggs in the fall course for France. they should at the egg shopping designations on the organic market as DDR or SU views: keep calm, do not touch and have not at all to eat! which could of the circumstances, not be fresh and not at all been young, happy hens.
are rather harmless license plate following:
NF Newfoundland
HP Pomerania
LL legoland
BN blankenese (southern part)
FL fantasia land
RP rio plata could (be snake eggs - slightly longer, up to ! 34cm)
DR dreamländ
ML mallorca (here only by the hamburger berg)
KZ CANTON züri - not keep
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