Sunday, June 13, 2010

How To Make Fake Marijuana Out Of Oregano

... and away: The hillbilly traveling

Alors - it's done! On Thursday, 10 June 2010 at 11:30 clock we left laden with bags and baggage and all that we thus consider indispensable in the life of our farm ... and only once came just 13 km far: A tire of our old lady Elsa Knaus, called "La Mustang" was flat and they rocked like a cutter at Beaufort 25th But what a lucky enough for friendly tank guards did the same attention (not without a furtive grin whether our old strong companion) and the tire repair first 5 km were behind us. So return!

how I got the pleasure (some by now!) The very first time to manage our 12 m double vehicle backwards (!) in one exit. I can tell you: Best menopausal hot waves are nothing against the Anwallungen, which has given me this challenge! But I did it, after I had to understand first: With such a vehicle is everything the other way around! I did not want to get out of the rut?

The mechanics were the first people we met on this trip and they were so friendly and helpful, that we are recordings as a good omen for this trip. For 13.25 euros, they no longer repariereten our flat tire along with Aufbockkurbel that had already jumped right at the start of the version (I say yes, everything Omen!) And sent us back with good wishes by 13 clock on the runway.

erts The day brought us to just French across the border: 250 km at top speed 80 km / h. Each pitch verrringerte our travel speed to 40 km / h, so we were in the enjoyment of extraordinary honking horns and solar chimney vibrating truck overtaking. And as I said, I drove the first stage, certainly as I got to the 14 liters of water - but spiced up with 200 ml of adrenaline per cubic milliliter. Because each time threatening Elsa hesitated, when once again such a king of the road swept past us, we decided to summarily for the Federal and highway. As 80 km / h. Although still not the world, but it really adds to it a lot more relaxed. And Bertha Benz, the course must eventually pull all thanked us with zuckelndem comfortable pace.

I was able to find that it is essential mesnchengemäßer to travel so slowly. Not only that, a landscape and its changes around you Vierl to exercise better, it is also easier to come internally to external changes behind her. A key finding for me, which I'm accustomed to doing things in the supersonic speed - and to bring particularly behind me.

Nyon we found a nice campsite ago - and spent our first night in the trailer. Thanks to bad weather and constant rain is a real acoustic experience: Like thousands of little rodent feet of continuous rain pelted down on us - I'm not sure if it was the acoustic fatigue and the hardships the first day after all that made me fall into a fitful and fantastic enough sleep ...

But the next morning shone the world into pure light, the sun was shining and I drank my first, self-fabricated Latte Macchiato from the trailer stove, goddess-sei-you did not explode (and the gas bottle is probably from the late 70s!). And for the first time came over me really as a tiny-little feeling of freedom, a "last-managed" and a: actually i could go on and on and watch the world to me. It is strange if you have your whole life in a caravan behind you leeches ago - and it really just is no place where you could go back. But to me in the last few days at home, were a little appeared threatening - in the moment when the ultimate first step is done, changed this "home from home" feeling immediately. It goes on trips - and sets itself as, where is a straight line.

The second day was thankfully a little less spectacular - no reverse, for a shady resting place on the lake with a midday bath, a small coffee shop in town and a witty waiter Wolfgang of the coveted Esspressotasse out the door after throwing. Background: Wolfgang wanted to buy this coffee mug, but gave up my demand to understand the waiter, he was no longer enough, because he always "dropped". So he left the cup just once "out the door" - and Wolfgang she was given. A truly original solution to a complicated problem!

No sooner had I taken over the steering wheel again (Wolfgang was the day rgefahren practice and thus had his Tauffahrt behind him ...) and just after we had decided it was now down enough, the French were again close streets and above all - steep! A Eegweiser led us to a campsite along a forest path into the mountains - and three times you are allowed to guess what was happening at once with my perspiration. Above all, far and wide, no place to run a 12m-vehicle (all in all) to turn. So - and here again was the profound knowledge in one room across - if there is no going back, you have to go further. No sooner said than done. And it became steeper and steeper. But when I thought: Well, that's it, now we are stuck to Berta presented again to the wheel and pulled us, and Elsa on the hilltop - and into it, or better up to a beautiful place with Mongolian yurts (unfortunately all rented), forest and air, as clean as ... well, can be flat clean.

We slept that night - again accompanied by heavy rain - as the stones. I was dreaming dreams and stone had ever felt that the solid rock beneath me somehow brought me back and annexing to the ground. Here I could have left days.

But the forward thrust has not fallen off of us, that will probably take a bit longer. The transmission, which has brought me through the last few months still needs time to run out, so we went back on the road that are now finally and above all, just straight ahead of us. Berta was on top form and placed 100 km / h to a position that would have probably taken us from sea, The French were not so enamored of roundabout. Purely centrifugal, rotary drive out, 200 m, again spinning. Min and the 6m with a turning radius and an acceleration from 0 to 20 km / h in 30th ... Well, it's all about slowing down ...

And this time I could understand - or rather - he-go - what it means to have a goal. We had the previous day always in good contact with our physical condition and the information of the inner voice decided when it was enough - so suddenly inflamed the ambition. Ah, "only" 77 km, we create - and to forget that we already had driven 250 km, Berta was glowing and I was really ready for a latte and my diary. But the Mesnch is very forgetful, so we drove on - right into the next cosmic lesson that was there: Why do only a street sign when you can have three. That, however, precisely that hianuf third again of the mountains and usher in an unmarked Pampa would - who cares! But all roads lead to Rome again.

But no, it does not, but into the midst of a Saturday late afternoon, is anything but sleepy little French village nest with a traffic that actually recalled to Rome. Only stupid that I plöztzlich, in the village überfraute the knowledge that we had moved hopelessly. And that einstetzte fatal mechanism that all many years motorists know: Before I knew it MCIH, I had been turned left to turn around. On a road that was almost 20 m wide. Luxuriously under normal Umstaänden - fatal with 12 m total length. Ergo: We were stuck. What led naturally irritated Schreier estates and mutual recriminations. However, it seems, this trip was devised to me to learn to reverse the other way around. Wolfgang stopped the traffic that actually stood still - and I spent a minute in filigree work and within a 30th in fact our car and all the attachments. For anything more must the years of threading of filaments in close-knit needles have been a good thing.

But the adventure was not yet over. Although we reached our destination on the Ardeche - but it was still exploring that same camping is not camping: Währrend the UDN with a 500m turning loops half highways come up through the ground, the other training courses for Feinfädler. Yes, you read correctly. And what hit it well again? Bingo!

But this time I also failed. And although in our caravan neighbor who was absolutely the view that the twice converted caravan must once again be turned over to the door on the right (!) Side was. In a frantic French, marked by heartfelt Couleur authority he told me, once again the very clear grounds to walk around to coming from the other side the right (!) to choose side. Well, there it was again, early childhood imprinting, acquired through years of chalk and talk, if only one with enough vehemence to the "right" insists, then all follow like sheep. In this case, I too - only to immediately and directly to hang between two trees resistant. As was nothing more - and I do not know if I would have been here my sewing really helpful. But fortunately there are French patents that cry but usually all by themselves - "Forward!", "No, back!", "How backward Art thou blind, you begotten? ! HAAAAAlt "worm a rotten apple, if it goes backwards then ...";," Oh no, now she is stuck, you see, would they still back ... "and so on and so forth - that is, is just about audible on rivets, into madness driving instructions, but in a worst case, have a neighbor with a tractor, which then abruptly Elsa moved to the mountain on which it is now. If I ever go back down there but they get ... Well, there are betsimmt another neighbor.

I for one am sitting now with my friend Ana at the pool, enjoying power and especially the fridge (melted yogurt is really just for gourmet inside!) and the incomparable Feeling went off, seen it all and above all to have learned a lot. Now is the first to come back down a bit. Become slower in thought and feeling above all. So I am where I am.

And the helpful spirit guide can take us further. It's all a question of non-interference. But also just wants to be learned. Venceremos!


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