Monday, March 7, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Deleted Something Off Of Vuze

to in the title appears, the first foreign-language concept to delivered information at Wikipedia:
"..... Political Keyword [ Edit ]
As political slogan was Juste milieu after the French Revolution of 1830 to characterize the political guiding category of "citizen king" Louis Philippe of the leading and middle class used. A prominent theorist of the Juste Milieu was Benjamin Constant .
The term was held under the mediation of Germany boys up in the German speaking countries. He served in particular the authors of the Vormärz for their attacks against the Liberal conservatism. The criticism was directed against the political "half measures" and the prevailing economic liberal principles of time, symbolized in the theme of Enrichissez-vous . Karl Gutzkow described the Juste Milieu as "creed [of men Exchange] No one wants to spoil it, and the subject must, wherever it is doctrine, and with positive Zweken deal, but since the upper hand when it is only a measure of control of the cunning and shrewd calculation of an individual ". [2]
The term of the Juste Milieu went during the Second Empire and the Third Republic in the middle and high bourgeoisie or the upper middle about. In the political discussion, he appears today as a polemic against Keyword dominant centrist and mediating Positions. ....."
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The Juste Milieu, of course - this is probably because nature would have it - particularly connected by Seehofer . as "the greatest," proclaimed KTG The FAS God has really nice thanks to demonstrate - even with its satirical taken 18 Tips for writing of scientific papers from which the find has been estimated by the blogger begotten two most successful of the cartoon. (Tip 1 and Tip 18). The sentence Bart Simpson to write a hundred times probably as the need, the "Non licet MIHI TRANSCRIBER" is in the translation, for clarity's sake let it be said: "I can not write off". located
In this milieu, and qua professional affiliation of the masses especially distant, KTG has apparently confident that no one would back him because of his cheating on her fur - because then the general would be perceived. That now the KTG also can be read differently, namely, "no one dares GUTTENBERG" bad luck!
a matter of course in the first place especially this environment requires the three succeeding appearing with the bloggers of the Abbreviation "pol-political clowns" in its archive housed politicians. Brüderle thereby get complacent before him gniegelnd calm in the certainty that business for the men in the nation's best and made this function will also meet the expected nectar to suck. And Seehofer and Westerwelle totally unconcerned because of the lower approval ratings - the former while proclaiming in all peace of mind that he still firmly in the saddle seats.
825 Closed-End Funds, etc.: As in our peculiar circumstances all just laid out that people can make the big cut.
- Whether it is the more and more prove to be a flop E10 is - should be preserved through which mainly the auto manufacturers against major expenses for the technical upgrading of its products in the direction greater climate impact to make;
- whether the perfidious blank of a construction project in the agri- Act - by which the construction of super-fattening units, has become possible in the first;
- whether it is the phase-out of nuclear energy - was made possible by which the four energy giants continue to be subject to extremely favorable conditions electricity for export produce, so then being able reap billions;
- whether it is the bankers who get fed deported from the State enormous sums of money they make is then equal to joyfully to the effect advantage to pay another extra orbit ante bonuses;
- whether the financial "service provider" AWD is the boss's push columns undisturbed older mainly innocent gentlemen could rush to those then their hard could savings abluchsen the conclusion quite windy contracts - found also very open expressions of sympathy on the part of Schroeder, Wulff and Co. rejoicing;
- whether it is the so-called health reform, the doctors and especially the pharmaceutical companies are well get away, the little man but fall completely, very deep in their pockets must, he will receive only the most necessary ........, or, or, or: can the
Before the blogger more about this says he draws first approached what he in the currently open on his desk lying FAS reads today - written under the title "Justice and Dignity" by journalist Christiane Hoffmann and he provided at the points with numbers that he considers worthy of comment: "... The upheavals are managed without leadership figures and without ideology of freedom, especially in the sense of (1) freedom of expression, not in the sense of (1) economic liberalism. , plays a role. The main driving force behind the riots, however, the demands for (2) social justice and a (second) life in dignity. It is a death-defying rebellion against the (3) arrogance of corrupt rulers, against their shamelessly flaunted (3) enrichment, against the (3) privilege and the luxury of the few. ...
The example of Russia and Ukraine indicates that not enough of a democratic constitution and a democratic right to reasonably guarantee (4) equitable living conditions. The lesson was repeated in Iraq and Afghanistan. At the end (5) the old or new elites to share power and resources in a (6) pseudo-democracy among themselves. ...
As a champion of his values is the West in any case (7) become implausible: through its alliance with the dictators, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The West has become a negligible quantity. And he should stop to celebrate a revolution in the Arab (8) victory of his values, and be prepared to make his impact in the longer term, this probably unstable region will continue to dwindle. "
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is generally to that of Ch Hoffmann about the political situation in North Africa executed noted anticipating that basically only a moderate degree of difference between the ratios there and where this country is. Where we a) need to be natural huge happy that in our part everything is much less dramatic, b) but also have good reasons, for the purposes of this entry again ask again to the very end determined pursuant to a multiple of democracy. The above selected points was told
ad 1) that the spirit of neoliberalism, which just in this country more and more to determine the relationships is in the process has the potential to build Potemkin villages. Namely by the shiny facade of freedom of expression is maintained only with difficulty. And because all that behind her just as a form of expression this spirit always going uglier form assuming, accompanied only by a scornful laugh which is the limit the possibilities of life and vitality of those around them as much as possible, have taken up the flag.
ad 2) that the ruling clique is doing everything it - in this context, it is only to Hartz IV, the ruler of the disenfranchised, directed - the country people, so take us to all sense of their own dignity. With social justice, to show how to tens of points could be, just goes down the drain.
ad 3) that the arrogance of the rulers in this country celebrates joyful resurrection. As also indicated by the obsequious and uncritical reporting the yellow press or can be seen from the example of Peter Hahne. The, the "Second Lady" in the country interviewing - the "First Lady" was supposed to after the alleged decree of the people from Stephanie, and to be of Guttenberg, which is all about - nothing more than a few approaches, bringing silly questions. And, moreover, then only in agreement with the head shaking to it even recognizable about rejoicing that he gets the all-important message that felt no more "First Lady" was in a room of the castle Bellevue her husband held up a game table, on for example, which he could also draw. With the arrogance of the rulers also occur in this country freely, which is Guttenberg about the affair, as in a spotlight illuminates quite a bit. But as well as the high-handed act of Schlecker, who has designed his empire with the creation of new markets so that in him only a very miserable salaried employees can act. Or the ruthless performance by the energy giant in the electricity market it, while humbly from the "government" accompanied want to determine through the adherence to the nuclear power in their favor. Or, or, or ....
ad 4 - 6) that prevail in this country anything but just conditions, because the old elites have always understood it to become widely everywhere - while no longer a climate of fear by a marching Gestapo or the SS or the SA breeding, but the fact transported that are displaced from their place of work addicts always a concern about just this: Virtually pleasure they suggest in the media show again and again - and draw the private channels on TV, how could it be otherwise, especially from - live, in what miserable conditions contemporaries who have just lost that job. The real rulers in this country but only share power, resources and spoils among themselves - as a mouse biting off the thread. Because that would be too much for them: as much as they can not really get. Or so.
AD 7 + 8) that precisely this lack of credibility resulting from the fact that the West - and with it our love of those in power than democracy as shown and praised the country - basically has almost nothing to muster values, which really would have a closer look stock. Will you be making this statement to any person, then one need only those in the following contemporaries and enjoyed in mind to keep: the Hells Angels, which can virtually undisturbed pursue their criminal intentions, a Losverkäuferin as Lierhaus which, because they the business of television lottery operates, may reap a mad Gage, ditto the football players who, on seven days a week the Screens are cavorting, bred to human sizes over format, ...... all with the background, because that, as in the final box, always sits in a spider web, just waiting, that their prey into an ordinary power goes.
conclusion - to which the blogger has come already "on other issues: What makes Western-style democracy is that we must honor its own tormentor. And that one, they drive it too bad, but can deselect so but only reaching that other tormentors allowed to operate. Which then again so can claim that they had been, after all, elected to office. Is it never hurt if the citizens - Take to the very current example, E 10 - will be forced upon them via the law provided tax ratio for the filling station, the damage to their favorite acquis of the car, simply accept that?
Saturday, March 5, 2011
How The Reverse Bear Trap Works

Value Of A Franklin Vase

Red - point - action - Wikipedia
Red-point action or Action Red Dot , including red-dot-action, called themselves a series of protests in many cities the Federal Republic, ... / wiki / Red - point - action -
Action Red Dot - a day
5th June 2009 ... sit-ins, tear gas, baton use: For ten days in June 1969 laid Hanover citizens paralyze the entire city, ... / action _ _ red dot html -
area traffic Hannover - Wikipedia
March 1970 after a protest established (for details see: Red - point - action ). At that time it came after a fare increase of ten pennies to ... / ... / Large-Verkehr_Hannover -
Red Spot Action
5 min -27. Apr. 2009Uploaded by current worm
4th Feb. 2011 point - -