1087 Hannover 96 is today against Bayern fight to the death. In the event that the team will soon bury their hopes for Europe ..
..... must coffins are ready. As previously shown in one of the Hanoverian funeral. Great idea, something like that! You have to first get it. With it can also be quite associate the slogan "Stand up ', if you're a Red!" Inasmuch as so yes, the resurrection of a faded 96's could be meant to live. What is the performance of the funeral bill, of course, separately would.
Stand up if you're a Red . ........ - Page 2 - All about

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- It's great also the incident with the championship plate. But then the whole can only vibrate schmo folks, for which there is an inner Feast of Tabernacles, when the fighting force lists such as shown above for the handball players: the enemy properly going to the laundry. The blogger can not help it - but somehow it captured in the photo, the two types as dull right before baking.
From the rumble, which strike up such a schmo types always like, it is not far from the bright madness - here above simply as "normal" means (the better to read original post can be found in 1080).PS1: Upon completion of this - the following time stamp at 14:53 h as completed to be taken - but then once again the entry "Bundesliga conference followed on the radio. During the halt also to the question, accompanied by football reporters encounter, the fans of Hannover 96 (to which the blogger is not exactly count) good news was given: a magnificent victory with 3: 1 PS2: Since the blogger but actually refers to the following day Sunday on his desk or the residue of a HAZ article - probably from the same output as the already designated - in which the journalist Conrad von Meding with precisely the issue in 1996 Coffin deals "are a 96-delivery room already - in Friederikenstift to football fans, the parents bring their children in the completely stylish club atmosphere to the world now there are such services are not only for the life start, but for the last ballast. . A funeral home in the southern city advertises in the window with a coffin painted in the colors of the Bundesliga club and equipped with bed linen bearing the club logo. ... It has not sold a single time, the pine coffin of type 96, for promoting the company Devian Südstadt residents in the window. But he may provide quite a talking point, says the staff: 'Actually, I hear nothing but positive, especially from the young'. ... Devian is part of the funeral business Langenhagener Norbert Naethe. The 53-year-old owner does not mind making the colors of a football club attractive eye-catcher in the funeral business. 'There are people who identify with them, "said Naethe, and:' Those who criticize such a thing, can not usually say, why '". Now the blogger gets it really no longer on the series, whether he has ever said anything against this crazy idea.
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