.... perceived and used as a guideline for their daily operations. It meets once a good thing that just at the time at which envision the blogger, a little more to talk of the political culture in this our country, a master tailor he presents his headless men in suits - this then mitliefernd also like the slogan on which will occur after a digression on the ground Burnout yet.
And it is fortunate that in one just recently for the HAZ contribution written precisely this latter phenomenon is discussed, from the journalist Jutta Rinas. Namely, seeing that this is due to ever-pervasive suffering in large part to the fact that the contemporaries are downright wits to address their employment needs - some more, some less.
is placed under the photo above, the following explanation: "Motivated and hard working - and yet the duration of stress at work for more and more young people will be after a few . Years intolerable "This says the accompanying text, the example of a concerned echoing:" A trained psychologist [Sofia Koester - name changed by editor] is not exhausted by decades of occupation, it is not a leader who, after years at the head of a department is drained and exhausted. It comes at the beginning of their career, just three years, she is. ? 'How shall I get through this job until retirement, "she asks desperately," if I am already at the end' "
The article states that at this point further:" Young, stressed , ill, or more precisely mental ill. It may be the results of two recent studies override that sent in the health technician and DAK health insurance independently. Young workers, young professionals are, according to them, not only twice as likely as older colleagues sick. Ironically, they suffer from the findings of the DAK-Health Report of 2011 more frequently than in the past from mental illness. Already one in ten professionals between 15 and 29 is in pain or other physical problems without organic causes, often accompanied by depression. Just six per cent have 'adjustment disorder' -. So problems to deal with serious life changes "
is mentioned then written by the author Miriam Meckel "burn-out confession," which was released in 2010, with a circulation of 100 000 copies of a bestseller. This will now not be discussed on their history of suffering and other results of the investigations. Rather, to the bloggers at the selected topic of particular interest appears remarks were cited in the final passage - more precisely, to appear to the last third of the report presented by the journalist referred to the text.
is "an ugly new world of work that is the reason that even 3o-year-old burnt out Dreams? The renowned Göttingen neurobiologist Gerald Huether has another explanation ready. According to him, it exacerbated the cycle of long-term stress and burn-out that duty on a trimmed young generation finds a more complex world of work. Only three adult children would hardly have freedom to do something about their own experiences and self-confidence as, ego strength, to develop team skills, says Huether. With early intervention programs, they would know mediated en masse, instead of you teach them to find their own creative solutions to problems. In elementary school, in high school, even still going to the University taught them, above all, that in life nothing matters except for the most suitable response to ever-increasing performance requirements. Huether criticized a meritocracy that does not shrink even before 'brain doping' as the administration of Ritalin to school Scheiterer inappropriate to bring back on track. ... What counts is performance, no matter how they are achieved. 'The young people experience themselves as passive objects of massive education and training needs of adults, "says Huether. ... The hamster wheel of being overwhelmed does not revolve around the job and on. Until the collapse comes. "
It is this brain research sets in a more than one hour lecture - traceable to the following in the placed record - is, like missed basically all that is what is approached with a performance requirement of the people:

Meanwhile, the entire education system basically by himself discredited that it constantly lies about what can make the human being and should spread, and young people over- while dresseth really bad sitting domination of it have settled into their Juste Milieu well - this will come in a subsequent entry yet - like the spider in the web, just waiting, that they are fat booty of madness is part of.
that they can reach them: That will make all the false noses, which is also completely warped and stupid move on the political stage. For example, by ensuring that more and new educational reforms are implemented, cause in the end even more uncertainty among pupils as teachers. Or by letting the media stir up the enthusiasm for football. Or by feeding the press with a bang for the individual actually completely irrelevant information about her private life. Or by the folks so with advertising zudröhnen leave that in the end nothing more than shopping in mind and only headless respond to all possible events in the world. Or, or, or .....
is at this point the blogger back to its starting point - the slogan "Let ensnare themselves": the the relevant milieu particularly committed needle shoot Guttenberg has yet demonstrated how on the public effectively can give their lessons that every mentally Innocent - for what the German population unfortunately composed in large part - to the Judgement has to come: "The man is still a star, an ace, a genius, to give up what already half borders on suicide order it with Seehofer to. say, "Here comes the greatest."
PS1: The fact that in Germany today as much "bright minds are at home," as hereinafter appearing satellite photo suggests, may be doubted fitly The appeal can not. result from the fact that the blogger and the preparatory contemporaries in terms of alertness have muster much more than the majority of the border let nasführen Population of the Landler.
PS2: In the recently televised cabaret show - one of the few deals at all of our exercises later this medium - by Volker Pispers to KTG, respectively. record of his comrades two beautiful statements can be: "They say that the untreated hair is the only Upright on this man." What could add to ... and then he creates even with gel from the world. And: "Only those who can lie without blushing - which is a real black man."
General PS: Values / r inclined / r readers in: If you predict the form and content of the item whose transfer or equal to the blog via the link *** should contact your friends and acquaintances nothing stand in your way. In the event that you also have the addresses semiofficial bodies: when passing the material also to the quiet. This may be the / one or other of those employed to his senses and not join in on the this country further and further organized madness driving. So that the politicians kept, only the self-interested distortion of reality because it committed to an end once and democracy gets a chance to be more than before - only a useful fiction ".
*** As a link is to take place, as shown in post 999, and under PS2.
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