1088 "A really strong habitat" - the Hannover Region: Unique in the entire Federal Republic. The Letter Spirit
the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Hanover region of its president and held in today's issue of the HAZ shows gave a speech in Germany that a second administrative region There, in which public interests are well organized in such a manner as efficient in performing in the same region. As for how they refer to lecturers text so, for example, has meant that the deficit for the operation of the 13 urban and regional hospitals - in 2004 to 21 million euros constituting - could be reduced to zero.
Somehow it seems to be as lived in this region very many bright minds. The only reason not to step out of the above satellite image appears, because the scale of the playing surface and their content is not appropriate for this. The blogger is also worthwhile to these heads, be noted here only very marginally.
If he however takes his fellow citizens in the eye, then he must think, for example, to the campaign "red dot" was when reached by a massive protest a) that the interests of transport in urban areas were controlled reasonably , b) in other administrative regions could also do same but mainly because it was so for a model.
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5th June 2009 ... sit-ins, tear gas, baton use: For ten days in June 1969 laid Hanover citizens paralyze the entire city, ... einestages.spiegel.de/static/.../4290 / action _ _ red dot html
from the provincial shadow Hanover only once, all the more spectacular and sustainable out: In the hot June 1969 "Red - point - action" with the. ... www.infopartisan.net/archive/.../266770.html - Cached - Similar pages
March 1970 after a protest established (for details see: Red - point - action ). At that time it came after a fare increase of ten pennies to ... de.wikipedia.org / ... / Large-Verkehr_Hannover
Because as practicable before, the production of content is - he now proposes not only how to start, a number of image and text materials, but all of a sudden all the same. For some inexplicable reason. More on the matter in post
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