Monday, March 8, 2010

Stanford Hospital Medical Record

why "women's pride" should not "women's pride" hot wife

Well, actually wants women (and certainly male) is so quick and meaningful response to all that such a blogging. That it would go but so fast, I would have thought ... but not now

stumbling block is the name. Mrs. pride. Which - honestly - inspired by the name of a group in facebook: emancipated pride. The aim of this group is to encourage women in their pride in women's and Emanzesein. A good answer, I think. The group is open to women and the way Men.

now feels one of the initiators attacked in her inner spirit creator. "Mrs. pride" of plagiarism, not as a reference to a term that originally belonged to the trademark free zone. Well today.

reminds me of a discussion that we had in another blog at another location on the copyright holders of rights on the Internet. In this last unprotected zone in which although occasionally stolen and online banking data, but can be thought up to now at least and still written, which goes through the head of a so ... That be not the case, it is indeed being worked vigorously: Hiding behind the argument of protecting children, privacy and copyright the World Wide Web will probably soon turn into exactly what we condemn in other places than the freedom so extremely unhelpful: a playground for any kind of bureaucratic regulations.

Yes, it is slightly damaged .... en again if I find my thoughts, sometimes even entire passages in others, where they are issued as a separate effusions. But on the other hand, I will, too, that my thoughts come into the world. And it seems to me not necessarily significant that even the last user knows that these originate from me. If that is the case at all because ... For what is now presented as the roll of a genius or an individual is, yesterday grew on the crap out of countless others.

Where there is now more and more by the thought that there is no such thing as ownership of land there (may have a country?) And the property claims in relationships only make divorce lawyers rich ... because there is still vain agreement on the patent rights to intellectual property. But actually not part of the winding, slightly radiate.

And of course, at this point always the argument that one must indeed live on in her and his inventions, and promptings. True. And yet, writing most of us do - if they do not just get drunk only on their own ingenuity - for others. For their thoughts, Fantasies and life, to enrich ourselves and seek to inspire. If I had not because theoretically every thought, word, a protective Checked as in England on the cars parking ticket payment defaulting road users?

There is a reason why people in this Republic, at least until today, our concepts of ordinary language can not protect access law. Otherwise we should not use the word "children" since the invention of the white and brown chocolate. And Brigitte would be "proud woman" determined patented back in the 50s can.

I'm not sure what to make of it that now tap and women have with each other suggests whether or not there may be one of them has written off by the other. Should there be any doubt, I confess, but rather the same: Yes, I did. And indeed, in full intention and conviction. "Women's Pride" is to me a cherished concept, however, loses under local circumstances, an attractive one. Therefore, I now make my views on the search for a new name that is perhaps just as embarrassing, but unprotected!


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